CTC Studio

Play with light, You might like it, You never know...

Yummy at First Look - Assignment 3 results.

Published by தம்பி... under , , , on 6:13 PM

This time, very little entries for the Assignment, Althogh the theme for assignment is very easy.

I think people are a Bit busy this week.

Here Goes the Winner of this week:


Good Subtle Lighting and good POV..It’s like a food ad photo.. -Bhagath makka

Enjoy the other Photos in the streams too..



Explore the veggie photo around Net. Some URLs Below.




Week Assignment 4 : Patterns

Published by தம்பி... under on 6:07 PM

Dear CTC Photographers,


Theme of the Week: Patterns

Entry Date: 26-March-2009

Last Date: 31-March-2009 23:59:59


With this subject we can play a lot….Search around you and get the patterns out of box…train your brain to read more complex patterns around you.


Patterns, has different POV and composition will add some mystical feeling to picture. Try What ever you like with patterns …what ever genre it may be …Nature …around you….people…Travel….Wild….studio lighting…..Etc





How to post your entries?

1. Upload your photo in the Flickr

2. Copy the Photo URL

3. Reply to the Discussion Topic given and paste your url in the following format (URL should be enclosed with the Square brackets)




4. Add more details in the reply and post the reply

Lonely at First Look - Assignment 2 results.

Published by தம்பி... under on 4:50 PM

Snip from the Wiki for Loneliness

Loneliness is a feeling where people experience a powerful surge of emptiness and solitude. Loneliness is more than the feeling of wanting company or wanting to do something with another person

 Loneliness is not the same as being alone. Many people have times when they are alone through circumstances or choice. Being alone can be experienced as positive, pleasurable, and emotionally refreshing if it is under the individual's control. Solitude is the state of being alone and secluded from other people, and often implies having made a conscious choice to be alone. Loneliness does not require aloneness and is often experienced even in crowded places. It can be described as the absence of identification, understanding or compassion

 Most of our photographers understood the feel of being lonely and did the best way to portray it ….Wonderful response from our photographers.

 Every photograph is portraying the loneliness in a different /unique way with author’s view…We thoroughly enjoyed this series of photo. 

This time we selected the first photo my using polling between CTC key photographers (10 member’s team).

Our Best selection goes to: http://www.flickr.com/photos/chris1804/2358259478/

Some Comments abt this photo:

Bhagath     : Subtle feeling of loneliness. Nice colors. His facial expression is awesome.

John          : Good composition…Negative space had good impact on the shot. Straight to theme

Karthick    :  தனிமையில் நான்...ஆதரவாய் சிற்பங்களும் தூண்களும்...

Vikram      : Great colors and mood…It’s appealing …!


Some other photos of interest.






Browse through our Assignments discussion thread to see all these Awesome photos.

URL: http://www.flickr.com/groups/ctcstudio/discuss/72157615112571044


Team CTC Studio

Week Assignment 3 : Fruits and Vegetables

Published by தம்பி... under , on 1:18 AM

Dear CTC Photographers,

Theme of the Week: Fruits and Vegetables
Entry Date: 18-March-2009
Last Date: 23-March-2009 23:59:59

How to post your entries?
1. Upload your photo in the Flickr
2. Copy the Photo URL
3. Reply to the Discussion Topic given and paste your url in the following format (URL should be enclosed with the Square brackets)
4. Add more details in the reply and post the reply
5. Colors and Creativness is welcome in this assignment. Think out of box for lighting, colors and composition

Catchy at First Look - Assignment 1 results.

Published by makka under , , , on 12:26 AM
Its a pleasant surprise to see so many entries in the first assignment. Its a great welcome sign that we have so many people who have serious interest about photography. This time we had as many as 20 entries and each photographs speaks for itself. Its a difficult task to choose which one is best and which one is next. We have come up with 2 photos as the catchy-at-first-sight.

CTC T Shirt Winner

The composition and the expression is too good in this photo. The gals eye is very expressive and she speaks something thru' her eyes. Its a lovely photo.

photographer : rbhasiyam

'Better Photography Magazine' Winner

This is one striking photo thats speaks for itself. The photographer says,
"The little girl was from a pack of 50 to 60 kids, and she was the one to start the conversation to ma wife, and was bold and naughty, ready for the lens, certainly photogenic! "

Photographer: Million Swords.

You can see the other entries here

And we suggest you should take a few minutes of yours and watch this kids photos. All were too good.

Its a good turn out this week and we expect a better turnout for this week assignment too. This week we have an interesting theme.

CTC Studio Team

Week Assignment 2 : Loneliness

Published by makka under on 12:00 AM
Dear CTC Photographers,

Theme of the Week: Loneliness
Entry Date: 12-March-2009 00:00:00
Last Date: 16-March-2009 23:59:59

How to post your entries?
1. Upload your photo in the Flickr
2. Copy the Photo URL
3. Reply to the Discussion Topic given and paste your url in the following format (URL should be enclosed with the Square brackets)
4. Add more details in the reply and post the reply

CTC Studio Team

Introducing Weekly Assignments

Published by தம்பி... under on 2:34 AM
Dear CTC Photographers,
We are happy to introduce weekly theme based photography assignment. We will realize the improvement of our photography skills at the end of our every assignments by sharing our individual thoughts.

The Guidelines are as follows:
1. The photo should be taken from the date, topic is given
2. Member can post three entries
3. Introductory Prize: Cool CTC T-Shirt for the winning shot
4. Critics should be taken in a positive manner
5. Selected photo will be posted on our CTC-Studio Blog
6. Theme will be given on every Friday
7. Duration will be a Week (Friday-Friday)
8. Winning shot will be declared on every Monday
9. Exif Data is must in the photo (By Default all cameras has this feature enabled)
Ex: http://www.flickr.com/photos/bhagathk/3314336309/meta/
10. You can add details about the photo (Place, Subject details, etc.,)

How to post your entries?
1. Upload your photo in the Flickr
2. Copy the Photo URL
3. Reply to the Discussion Topic given and paste your url in the following format (URL should be enclosed with the Square brackets)
4. Add more details in the reply and post the reply

Theme of this week: Kids

Theme URL: http://www.flickr.com/groups/ctcstudio/discuss/72157614550683475/

Start Date: 2-March-2009
Close Date: 6-March-2009

CTC Studio Team