CTC Studio

Play with light, You might like it, You never know...

CTC Studio

Published by makka under on 5:25 AM
A place to publish the snaps, a place to discuss some tips and a place to exchange some comments, yes! we have added a flickr group in addition to the google groups and a blog site for our photography club.

Hence forth, upload your good (the one which you like) photos to your flickr albumn and add those photos to the CTCStudio flickr group. It will be a common pool where we can see other members photos and discuss on that in the flickr discussion board.

This blog will have regular columns and discussions on photography and review on each others photography. This is a collabrative site, where no one is a silent spectator and every one should be a active participant. Interested people can contribute to this site by registering themselves. For further quereis please feel free to contact linuxmakka[at]gmail.com 

Welcome to Passion of Photography

Published by makka under , on 4:36 AM

Though trekking is soul of the CTCians, we do have an eye for photography.  It’s been said, happiness is enjoyed only if it is shared. So we do capture the moments we encounter in trek and publish it. Earlier that’s been an activity of sort, now we have evolved to the next step, which is the passionate on the photography. 

We have got enough advanced amateur photographers, who are willing to share their knowledge so that the other passionate photographers can hone their skills. Some one said, having a camera is just means owner of the camera and to become a photographer, we need to click and practice. 

Every great mission has a sparkling start and we did have one on Feb14, the Valentines Day. A bunch of people who love photography had assembled near Tidel park and went on to one of the adorable place in Chennai, the ECR beach. After shooting a few beautiful sunrise clicks, we headed to another lovely place. A cup of coffee will bring a smile, and some energy, along with that we had informative sessions on photography by Bhagath, Samyak & Vikram. Every one enjoyed the session and learnt few tips of the trade. 

From there the group went on further down in ECR to another beautiful place, Kadapakkam near Mahabs. After a day of shoot outs and photography experiments, group again assembled another round of discussion and after that the group dispersed with contentment in their heart.

Some good snaps from partcipants are here